I've been enjoying the sunny weather by spending quality time with my daughter, something I don't have to often.
But as we've been in the garden lots, I've managed to keep an eye on the great tit nestbox.
The main activity in the second week of incubating has been watching the male bring food to the female.
She is spending much more time on the eggs and now rarely ventures out of the nestbox. On the one occasion I spotted her doing so I did count that eight eggs were still there.
I'm anticipating the hatching in the next 24-48 hours, although it could be another 4/5 days before all the eggs hatch, if they all do.
The mealworms are going down a treat with the robins, blackbirds and the male great tit, who is splitting them in half before feeding his mate.
My one worry is the blue tits. I've not seen any around the garden for a week and I've got the feeling they've decided to move on.
On the pond, I've not seen any more of the frog and no sign of frogspawn. The pond filling might begin this weekend.
More updates over the weekend when I hope to bring some news of a hatching or two!
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