Tuesday 12 April 2011


March and early April brought some lovely weather that seemed to shake the wildlife into a frenzy of activity.

Not only the animals, but plants and trees have literally blossomed in the last few weeks.

The most exciting development has been the recent nest building activity from the great tit that has been 'renting' my nestbox fitted with a camera.

It's given me a view of life in spring of small birds I never thought I'd see.

After weeks of sleeping alone in the bare nestbox, I thought the great tit (I think it's a male) had a mate it would be sharing the night with.

At dusk a two weeks ago they both hung around a couple of trees often glancing at the nestbox, until the resident great tit entered, called for the other one, then gave up and went to sleep as I watched the other bird fly off.

Last Thursday the nest building started and in the series of pictures taken daily below. you can see how quickly and actively the nest has formed. The intricacy in how it's being built is a joy to simply marvel at.

I'll be continuing to update the nest building on a daily basis and hope to soon bring news of some early Easter eggs!

In other news the pond is showing little activity, while the flora of my garden is producing plenty of new plants from bulbs and I'm hoping to have some images up this weekend.

Other birds are busy nest building and generally getting excited about bringing new families into the world.

Finally the first sighting this year of a swallow came on Sunday, a sight I always remember since my primary school days watching swallows bring up youngsters in the barns we had on the farm I live on Wales.

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