The tit nest box, which now has a pair of house sparrows, still doesn’t
have a working camera so I can’t view the nest building activity.
The house sparrow nest box camera is fully operational, but no birds
are utilising it – which as explained previously I think this is because the
camera is too obtrusive inside the box.
Flowers, tree buds and the first vegetable plants sprouting are now
being joined by butterflies and plenty of insects, including various bees, as
spring has well and truly sprung.
This is a wonderful time of the year and the buzz among the birds in
the garden is lovely to see, hear and feel. It feels like a huge race has begun
to get the next generation born and raised; it’s great to see it in the garden
and surrounding countryside.
I’m sure April will bring plenty of showers, but if the temperatures
keep like they are this weekend the growth in the flora will significant.
Of course in turn this will help the mammals, birds and insects that
will feast spring’s rich offerings.
The focus in the garden will be fixing the camera, cutting the grass
and encouraging the growth of vegetables and flowers.
One thing is for sure, the next few months will bring new arrivals and
a colourful garden as wildlife and humans alike enjoy the warmth and sunshine
On a final note I’m taking images of the front of the house and some of
the garden that I will unveil in the coming weeks to show how spring helps the
garden bloom and come alive.
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