Sunday, 16 March 2014


The mild weather has continued with hardly a spot of rain this week, but it has brought foggy nights and mornings, plus frosts.

It’s meant the wildlife in the garden have relied a bit more on the snacks I’ve provided and the nest building process has stalled.
I’ve still not seen the birds that have brought nesting materials to the original (blue tit and great tit) nest box, but each day has seen the material being slightly added to and moved around.
I’m wondering if the sudden burst of cold overnight weather has made the birds think that the caterpillars their youngsters will rely on to survive, might not be around for a few more weeks.
Therefore building a nest and laying eggs will be best put on hold for a short time – saving energy and making sure caterpillars are going to be around when they need them most.
The sparrow nest box has not seen any action, although the house sparrows are in the garden every day. I suspect they will use the other two nest boxes in the triple nest box because the camera might be too intrusive – only time will tell.
The first seedlings have appeared from the spring planting – basil and parsley – which is an encouraging start and I’m hoping they will replace the plants from last year which are on their last legs.
Given the week ahead looks fairly settled again I may even have to water part of the garden! Who would have thought about that a few weeks ago.

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