Monday, 4 June 2012


Today was back to what we expect in June, sunshine and warmth, the latter didn't stay for too long though and it was distinctly chilly in the morning and evening.

I bet the wildlife is wondering what on earth is going on, particularly those who have lost broods to the weather.

After watching the demise of the blue tit chicks on Springwatch it seems that this is the fate of many chicks this spring and summer, including the great tits in my garden.

Perhaps second broods will be the norm this year, I hope so otherwise a cold winter could have a devastating effect on some birds.

In other news I was outside as dusk fell and was charmed by a bat flying around after insects, sometimes within inches of my head.

A superb time was had by me, although I'm not sure the bat felt the same. I'm not the greatest bat expert so was unable to identify it. What I will say is it was about the size of a blue tit.

If anyone can identify the bat from my feeble description, I'd welcome your thoughts.

I'll now be keeping an eye out during the evening to see if this area is a good area for feeding bats. It's certainly a good one for swallows, swifts and house martins during the early evening as many gather in the area most nights.

This week the weather promises to be unsettled and cool, yet more battles for our wildlife and us humans as we deal with yet another damp summer!

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