Thursday, 14 June 2012


I'm not updating this blog as much as I'd like for two reasons - Time and the fact the great tits nest failed.

I had hoped they would return once I'd cleared the dead chicks and nest out, but I've not seen or heard them very much.

If they hadn't I thought another pair of birds would nest, especially as it's proved a popular nestbox.

The blue tits' nest in the wall of the outbuilding at the back of our house did provide some moments of wonder as the parents struggling to get in and out to feed the chicks, but that only lasted for about a week before they fledged, something I missed.

But this week I did find out where the swallows have nested this summer, not in the outbuilding that had provided the blue tits with a nest, but the big shed that houses a couple of horses about 150 yards behind our house.

Despite the weather I think they've been doing very well as there are thousands of insects flying about after any rain, which the swallows seem to gobble up as sweep majestically through the air.

I even think they sing when there's lots of food, exclaiming songs of joy at all the food.

Another storm is due to hit tonight and last over the weekend, so I hope the swallows delay fledging until next week, if indeed they are ready to.

I did see some blue tits chicks in the trees by the garden this week, but the small birds are slowly dispersing, probably to moult, with or without youngsters.

Here's to some better weather from next week, both for us and the wildlife!

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