As spring finally begins to show itself the blue tits have built a nest
and are showing signs that eggs could soon be on their way.
There is a twist to this story as the great tit pair are spending an
increased amount of time in my garden and seem to be eyeing up the nestbox for
Interest from the great tits is not going unnoticed as the blue tits
are now beginning to chase their adversaries away from the nextbox. What will
happen in the coming week? Will the blue tits lay eggs and raise their brood
without interference from the great tits? Time will tell and this little battle
is what helps make watching wildlife so fascinating.
In the last few nights the female blue tit has been roosting in the
nestbox and it’s been very interesting watching her say ‘goodnight’ to her
partner in the fruit tree at the bottom of the garden, before they both got to
their own roosting sites.
In other news the great spotted woodpecker has been heard nearly every
day hammering away at one of the dead trees on the fields behind the house.
Perhaps we’ll see him/her in the garden again soon, although not if it means the
blue tit chicks are being predated!
There is a new bird nesting in the trees around the garden area,
although not one that is welcomed by the small garden birds.
That’s right a pair of magpies are building a nest and while their
presence sometimes causes the smaller birds to flee into the rose bush or
hawthorn hedge, they don’t seem too bothered and it’s not affecting the numbers
coming to my garden to feed.
Below is a series of images taken over a ten day period up until today.
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