Wednesday, 15 April 2015


During the last week reports of swallows in the UK have come in thick and fast, yet I’ve not seen any around the garden and surrounding fields.

They’ve been back every year since we’ve lived here (8 in total), so I remain hopeful, yet impatient.

The weather hasn’t been the best for returning summer residents in the UK, with snow just a few days ago in some areas.

Now the weather is becoming summer like, almost bypassing spring.

The blossom on the trees has now all be blown away by the heavy winds of the last week and is now slowly being replaced by green shoots of leaves and buds.

For the time being I’m enjoying listening and finding birds singing in the trees, although that probably won’t last too long if the temperatures and sunshine continue.

The two bird boxes with cameras are not showing much, with the house sparrow box showing no signs of any nest building, while the house sparrows in the blue tit nest box seem to be getting a little shy and have almost covered the camera with nesting material.

I might try and move it, so the camera can show something, but only if the birds are away from the area and there’s no eggs on the nest.
I've also found a new nest, well it's a nest site that I've noticed being used before, but not for a couple of years.
A pair of blue tits is building a nest in the crevice, left by crumbling bricks, of an outbuilding behind the house.
No sign of the robins, blackbirds or great tits nests, but I'm still looking.

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