Sunday, 18 May 2014


Those damn snails stretched and broke my patience after eating numerous new plants that I’d put outside, meaning about 40 per cent had been killed or brutally attacked by snails and slugs.

Enough was enough and I bought some eco-friendly pellets to protect the remaining and newly planted greenery.

In one night I estimate over 40 snails and slugs fell victim to the pellets, while several more have done the same in the following nights. I also ‘rehomed’ about 20 in the last couple of days so I’m hoping the attack on my plants will soon be over.

I took delivery of a box of mealworms this week and they’ve been readily accepted by a number of house and tree sparrow parents along with a great tit family.

The tree sparrow family have already raised one brood and I suspect the second one is not too far away, while the house sparrow youngsters are very noisy when food is being handed out.

Unfortunately the issues I’ve had with my nest box cameras has meant I can’t see inside any nest boxes this year – very frustrating, but great to know nature is carrying on as normal and that new types of birds are utilising the nest boxes.

Here’s one of the house sparrow parents waiting to fly to the tit nest box to feed its youngster. They’re getting used to us slowly, but still create lots of noise when near the nest!

I managed to track the great tit on its feeding forages between the place I put the mealworms, to the nest. It’s located behind the house in the garden of the farm house behind. About twenty foot up an old oak tree, hidden away in thick ivy is a number of great chick tits in a cosy nest – feeding on mealworms.

I’ve not seen the robins for a few days, while the blackbirds have also been scarce, apart from the males singing from roost posts at dusk.

The swallows are obviously enjoying the recent weather and the plethora of insects. Their song and aerobatic flight is a joy to watch and listen to. It may only last for a few months, but it’s still my favourite part of summer.

So the next week will bring wet, but fairly warm weather which is great for the growing plants, although it gives the snails and slugs the perfect conditions to try and destroy my plants!

This time I have a better defence, or so I think…

In the meantime here’s some of the broad beans and one of the foxgloves are getting on. Don't ask me why but they won't face the right way!


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