Sunday, 21 July 2013


So the house sparrows’ mating seems to have worked as there are now three new eggs in the camera nestbox.

I’m delighted that there has now been three clutches of eggs in my camera nestbox this year, and from two different birds.

If all the current eggs hatch and the chicks fledge, then a total of 13 chicks will have entered the wildlife world thanks to my nestbox.

But that won’t be all the chicks that fledge from my garden, because in the new ‘terraced’ house sparrow nestbox that I put up in March has at least one of the three nestboxes occupied by house sparrow chicks.

As I don’t have a camera in there I can’t tell how many, but I suspect three or four judging by the sounds coming from there.

I’m pleased that so many house sparrow chicks are being brought in to the world in my garden and it is providing a good home to a declining UK species.

The flora and wildlife homes in my garden have been the culmination of five years of introducing different species to the garden and also providing a regular food source for the birds.

Talking of flora, two new flowers have emerged from this years’ seed plantations, two poppies and a sunflower (teddy bear variety).

They are adding more colour and scents to the garden and attracting plenty of insects, particularly bees and an increasing number of butterflies.

Finally with the hot weather due to end with thunderstorms and rain in the coming days, I think it can only help increase the flora in my garden and add even more colours and scents.

Perhaps after the rain we’ll have even more sun and at least two fledgings!

Oh and before I forget I took delivery of a new bird box cctv camera from SpyCameraCCTV
 , which I ‘won’ during a Facebook competition.

Thanks to the guys at SpyCameraCCTV, I’m hoping to have two nestboxes covered by cameras next year!

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