Monday, 26 April 2010


I went away for a week, that was then delayed for a further five days due to the Icelandic volcano, and I've come back to a garden full of new life with more promised.

A very quick update on the main points:

  1. The robins appear to have small chicks as both parents are dashing to and from the nest with live meals including worms and the mealworms I've provided. I'll not be going near the nestbox and hope to get images and video from afar. The robins are friendly so hopefully they'll allow me to work in the garden while they feed and then fledge their chicks.
  2. The great tits have taken over the blue tit nest box and are busy building a nest. I did think they were feeding chicks but on closer inspection it appeared to be horse hair, or something similar.
  3. The usurped blue tits look to have chosen a new nestbox and could be building a nest. It's close to the front door so I don't want to disturb them too much by constantly looking. But if this is true then we'll have three new families in the garden this spring.
  4. The tadpoles in the pond have grown and most appeared to have survived the transfer from Yorkshire, so I'm really pleased.
  5. The garden and surrounding trees and bushes are now coming into leaf, with blossom brightening up the place. There's been plenty of bees around the garden and I'm hoping for a spectacular spring and summer of wildlife watching.

On a final note today has seen the return of the swallows. A lovely sight as they glide serenely over the house and farm buildings. I suspect they delayed their return and followed me back on Saturday. ;~)

Sunday, 11 April 2010


What a wonderful weekend of spring weather we've just had. Warm and sunny, just like spring should be on Saturdays and Sundays.

The birds in and around my garden are now in full voice and it was lovely to be woken by them this morning rather than the usual alarm.

While I wait for the first song of my favourite bird the swallow, I love listening to the huge variety of birds including robin, blackbird, blue tit, great tit, dunnock and tree sparrow.

The pheasant is also now becoming a daily singer along with the now seemingly resident chiffchaff, while the greater-spotted woodpecker is making a daily appearance after taking a fancy to the big fat snack on the bird table.

I noticed from the comfort of my bed early this morning a woodpigeon picking dead twigs from the outbuildings next door. It's nest must be very near as it was back very quickly for more.

The activity around the nestboxes has seemingly faded, although this could be due to me giving the birds space and peace to get the breeding process going.

I've started to introduce mealworms to the feeding system as I fade out the usual peanuts and fat snacks.

The biggest development is the pond as I watch the tadpoles hatch and now swim amongst the vegetation. I'm hoping they grow quickly and emerge as froglets soon.

The pond and rockery has been left undisturbed since it was rejuvenated last summer and I'm very pleased at how it now looks.

The blossom of the greengage tree is also an awesome sight, especially as it overlooks the pond and rockery.

I hope next time I update this blog they'll be some positive news on the nestboxes.

You can see the main tit box on the wall but the robin one is on the right of the picture halfway up.

Monday, 5 April 2010


A major development has occurred in the pond today, a huge gathering of frogspawn.

I can't say the frogs have found the pond as I nicked it from Sarah's parents' pond earlier today. You could say I've 'adopted' some frogspawn.

It'll be a few days before I know if it's been successful, but I'll keep the blog updated with any news.

As we've been away since Sunday I'm not aware of any news on the blue tits and great tits bartering over the nestboxes.

I should be able to see more of the favourite nestbox tomorrow and hopefully confirm the spring residents.

The garden appears to be waking from the enforced winter hibernation with many bulbs and plants from last year coming back to life. Hopefully we'll have a colourful display in April and May.

Finally the greengage tree is now in full blossom with numerous bees at work collecting nectar.

I'm now going to eat my Easter eggs and hope the birds have some eggs of their own soon.

More updates later this week.

Saturday, 3 April 2010


The sun is out, the blossom is glistening and the birds are in full song as spring shows its face again.

It appears there's a bidding war going on over the blue tit nestbox with the blue tits, being usurped by two fighting pairs of great tits.

The smaller blue tits have been watching on as the great tits fight over the nestbox. It's obviously a good site, but hopefully the other two tit nestboxes will be used once the battle for the favourite one is concluded.

No sign of the robin around its nestbox today, hopefully the nest is already built and the pair are waiting for the egg laying day.

The dunnocks are flirting outrageously with each other, although I'm not sure where they're nesting.

Not seen the chiffchaff since it's two brief appearances, but hopefully as the spring warms up it'll make frequents trips to the garden.

No further news on the pond but hope to have some on Monday!

Friday, 2 April 2010


Just when we thought spring had sprung, winter unleashed another spell of treacherous weather to most parts of the UK.

If you didn't get snow, then you will have noticed the drop in temperature, just when the first blossom of the season had started to liven the bare shrubs, trees and countryside.

The weather has also dampened the spirits of the local birds, with nestbuilding and courtships of the robins, blue tits, great tits and dunnocks (among others) slowing down.

The activity around the nestboxes is continuing and the birds are certainly pairing off and the flocks shrinking.

With a wet Easter forecast I'm hoping the weather improves so the wildlife can get on with the season of breeding and provide a summer spectacle of new faces in the garden.

The pond is continuing to thrive, although no signs of frogspawn. Hopefully next week will bring some good news.

Happy Easter everyone.