There’s not been much going on in the last couple of weeks, apart from a new discovery about the hedgehogs! More about this shortly.
The robin family territorial dispute appears to have finished for now, with only one sighted at one time and not much calling going on.
The return of the blue tits lasted for a few days, and then they disappeared again.
In fact, the birds, in general, have definitely been enjoying the relaxation of social distancing and are taking advantage of the situation.
I’ve started to put some food out for them again and even this hasn’t attracted many hungry beaks.
News on our summer visitors, as the swallows introduced another brood to the skies above our garden.
This is definitely the second brood, but with their nest site surrounded by fields and the vast marshes area a fantastic playground for them, it may well be the third.
A few weeks ago, a large flock of swifts fed for an hour around the garden and fields, before moving on, presumably starting the migration back south.
Then a few days ago a seemingly new flock of swifts moved in a similar pattern, prior to swooping to feed elsewhere.
It’s been great to see the swifts in good numbers again and the swallows successfully breeding.
I hope it means next year they’ll return again and their sounds will once again grace the air around the garden.
Finally, the hedgehog that came back to the garden appears to be not alone.
A smaller hedgehog has also been spotted by neighbours and I’ve seen a few smaller droppings of hedgehog poo in the garden, which confirms the sightings.
I’ll be keeping an eye on them and hoping the extra food put out by the neighbours will help get them both ready for hibernation.
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