Sunday, 10 May 2020


The sun has been shining, the birds in full voice and plenty of signs of the next generation coming into this world.

The garden had two active nests, with the robins (second attempt after the first one resulted in three chicks dying) and the great tits, which were located in the nest box that has been used every year since we moved here in 2007.

The girls and I had been feeding mealworms to the robins, while the house sparrows nesting in next door’s garage, the blue tits in next door’s wall and the great tits were making use of the free handouts.

Sadly, just when I thought the robins could soon fledge, the nest in the ivy was raided and the nest left destroyed. The chicks were nowhere to be seen or heard.

Given there is a magpie nest nearby and the magpies had been seen regularly in the garden over the last week, I suspect it was the magpies that raided the nest.

The parents were still hanging around the garden and the male singing from a perch I’ve often seen him at over the last few months.

I’m hoping that not all the chicks were taken, but have no evidence to suggest any are now alive.

Given the number of cats around here (another feral one has been ‘saved’ by the neighbours), I think we’re at 11 between three houses, plus the feral ones being fed down the lane, I suspect it’s unlikely any survivors would get passed those felines.

The great tits are still thriving and will hopefully fledge next weekend when the weather might have warmed back up a little.

It's been great to get to know the parents while working in the garden just under the nest box (I spend many hours there in spring and summer and the birds quickly get used to my presence).

These pics and video show just how at ease the great tits are with me being there.

The pond has new plants around it and by next weekend the hanging baskets will be up, so the garden has now really sprung into spring.

Next stop, summer!

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