Saturday, 23 February 2019


Just as winter was gripping the country, with snow and plunging temperatures, then suddenly spring has sprung into life.

The trees are in blossom, snowdrops are brightening the flowerbeds, while crocuses, daffodils and tulips are all emerging.

Indeed, the mild weather has meant the dawn chorus has an extra melody or two added to it, with the local robins being very vocal at first light.

I’ve not checked the nest box cameras recently, but perhaps this weekend will give me chance to have a look – albeit making sure any inquisitive birds aren’t put off from nesting.

The pond will also get a makeover this weekend, with a few oxygenating plants helping create a viable home for many insects and amphibians, along with a water supply for birds.

However, the amphibians are seemingly already attracted by the recovered water feature, although the frog that hopped in the house this week was slightly off course.

A helping hand was required to point it in the right direction, although time will tell if the pond is an acceptable location for the next generation.

The weather forecast looks like it’ll remain very spring-like in the coming days, so perhaps winter has finished.

But, with thick snow laying on the ground in many places last year in March, anyone who thinks we’ve said goodbye to frosts, cold and snow, might be in for a shock.

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