Saturday, 8 September 2018


August once again proved to be anything but the height of summer, but the end of the month heralded a warmer spell which might just be enough to see summer migrants stay around a bit longer, including the swallows.

However this week looks like being a false dawn on any warmth in September, as rain and coolers winds look like winning out.

I think the swallows had two broods this year, as there’s been quite a few birds with shorter tails swooping around the garden and surrounding countryside.

I don’t know how long they’ll stay around for, but as they’re my favourite birds I hope for just a little bit longer.

The garden birds are now making a bit more of a comeback in the garden, with the blue tits, great tits, house sparrows and even the odd robin making regular appearances.

This year’s tit fledglings are still easily recognisable, although they’re definitely getting in tune with their surroundings, feeding areas and warning calls from their parents.

With the sunflowers started to get into full flower, the seeds will hopefully provide an autumn booty for the birds.

Talking of garden booty the broad beans have once again delivered a good harvest, while the tomatoes are struggling in the garden.

Next year it’ll be tumbling tomatoes, broad beans and sunflowers, and nothing else.

They’ll also be a re-introduction in the garden too, as I’m planning on reinstating the pond after filling it in because of the girls being toddlers.

Now they’re both at school, I think the small pond can come back and help them learn a little bit more about having different wild parts to a garden and the wildlife it can bring – albeit on a small scale given the pond isn’t huge!

Time will tell if frogs make it back, but hopefully it’ll provide a home to some smaller creatures and perhaps be a water source for the small birds.

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