Saturday 25 June 2016


It’s been quiet in the garden recently, with only the swallows and great tit chicks being heard.

In fact not many garden birds are being seen either, with the odd blackbird and occasional feeding foray from the house sparrow clans.

The weather hasn’t been ideal for fledglings, with heavy rain and seemingly unfriendly conditions for young birds to feed and explore their surroundings.

What has been helped by the weather has been the flora, with the many flowers and vegetables growing quickly.

None are ready for harvesting, but at least it’s a good start to the summer growing season.

What the growing flora is doing is attracting plenty of bees, both bumble and honey, to the strong nectar presence.

The nest box cameras aren’t producing the images I had hoped, with one completely not working and the other, which has had no nesting activity, beaming a clear video feed.

Considering the same thing happened last year and I’m beginning to think the birds are wanting a bit of privacy after me looking into their nesting activities for the last five years.

I’ll be looking at whether the cameras are in the right nest boxes over the autumn, and hope next year will be more successful!

Until then I’ll be hoping the birds come back soon, after their moulting, and start introducing their youngsters to the garden and its benefits.

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