I’ve certainly noticed changes in the garden with larger flocks of the
smaller birds spending more time in the garden, while I have now chartered
three robin territories on either side of the house, including the favourite
singing posts.
The colder weather has certainly brought about a change in the natural
food supplies for small birds and it’s even meant the female great spotted
woodpecker is now a daily, if skittish, visitor.
I’m trying to get the broken camera working again as I’ve spotted that
birds are now using it to roost in, not sure which ones, but the camera should
be up and running again next week so watch this space.
Finally, before the pictures, I’ve noticed a number of bulbs popping up
around the garden. Can’t say which ones yet, but tulips, crocuses, daffodils
and snowdrops have all been planted, and by the size of the protrusions from
the ground, I’d say a mixture of all four are coming through.
Anyway here are the pictures of how the garden transformed in October
and November, but to give context for the first October image, I’ve included
the last one I was able to take before I was taken ‘elsewhere’ for nearly two
months. The last one is from the end of August. You can see just how well the triple sparrow nextbox is camouflaged.
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