Tuesday, 5 August 2014


Is the summer finally over? It would appear that the forecasted ‘summer storm’ is signalling the early start of autumn, although I live in hope that the remainder of August will bring sunshine and warmth.

The cooler (not cold) weather is certainly good for the gardens and crop growers, but now we’ll need to see some sunny weather to help the final crops reach their maximum potential.

While the numbers of insects, butterflies and bees has slowed somewhat, there are still plenty about when the sun comes out.

What is proving remarkable is the tree and house sparrow parents appear to be raising a fourth brood!

I heard today the first faint cries from newly hatched chicks, which I’m amazed at – although slightly frustrated because of the failure of both nest box cameras to deliver footage of these chicks.

The garden has started to fill up with families of small birds recently, as the parents appear to be completing their annual moult and showing their offspring which gardens are good to visit for food.

I only wish the garden was bigger so I could provide more nesting sites, but maybe one day that will be the case.

The next blog post will be in the aftermath of this storm that is meant to be arriving this weekend, the remnants of Hurricane Bertha.

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