Well we’re all awaiting the Coronavirus impact, while nature carries on regardless.
The dawn chorus is getting louder every morning, and my walk to work is full of various birdsong, from blackbirds and robins, to blue tits and chaffinches.
The buzzard that had been hanging around in the area hasn’t been seen for a week or so, but a kestrel has replaced it.
I’ve seen the kestrel perched a few times over the half-flooded fields, mainly on hedgerows, and the smaller birds always keep their distance.
A few frogs have been seen on the road, unfortunately all squashed by vehicles on the lane.
I’m sure there are a few around, but I don’t think any will frequent the pond, mainly because I’ve not done much upkeep on it recently.
I will be getting in the garden in the next couple of weeks and will hopefully get some seeds planted.
I’ll stick to sunflowers and tomatoes, and also get some small plants for the borders to help stop the cats using them as a toilet.
The feeders are still going down quickly, with long tailed tits still seen almost every day.
The lighter mornings and evenings enable me to see bird activity, and perhaps even another glimpse of the robin taking nest material into the ivy, close to the place he/she chose last year.
Whether we have a nest this year, only time will tell.