The weather has started to become more like summer, albeit the forecasters are saying it won’t last – how unusual!
The bird life in the garden is slowly moving away, although
another nest might see some action during July.
The secret robin nest has either fledged or not survived,
because there’s been a distinct lack of activity in the area in the last few
It’s hard to tell which is true, but in the coming weeks I’ll
have a sneak peak in the nest vicinity to see what’s happened.
I hope it’s been fledging.
There have been occasional visits from families of blue tits,
great tits and house sparrows, however they are happening less frequently.
Only today a fledgling blackbird was moving around the garden
looking for earthworms, and succeeding too.
The new nest, I say new because it looks like a refurb of
the one I spotted during winter in the garden’s main tree, has had visitors –
yes I think it’s the owners.
It’s a pair of woodpigeons, which makes it another first for
the garden.
I don’t know if they’re going to lay eggs yet, or even if
they have already done so, but two of them have been heard and seen quite often
The birds of summer appear to be doing ok, with numerous
swifts often overhead, particularly in the evening when they make a right noise,
while the swallows are certainly enjoying the increase in insect food – thanks to
the improving weather.
Finally the tomato plants are now fully outside and ready
for warm, sunny conditions to thrive and produce some lovely fruit - hopefully!