Friday, 23 December 2016


Winter is yet to really inflict any sever cold weather on the garden or surrounding countryside, aside from the odd frost.

We’re yet to see any severe autumn or winter storms, but it looks like this will change over Christmas with up to three due in.

The garden looks like it’ll escape the most severe winds, but will be hit by some significant gusts which, combined with heavy rain will likely deliver challenging times for the local wildlife.

The birds feeders are having mixed fortunes with the ones in the trees seemingly well used, indeed the birds seem to know when full ones are being place because they literally gather around the trees waiting for the delivery.

Unfortunately the local cats have made a hideout near to the two feeders in the garden.

After a few adjustments to the bushes and a few blockages put in the way, more activity is expected as these feeders in the near future.

Checking the nest boxes will have to wait for another week, although a quick check of the cameras has caused optimism in they can be fixed ready for the next breeding season.

Not many birds have been seen recently in the garden, only blue tits, great tits, robins, blackbirds, house sparrows and dunnocks. Not in great numbers or frequency, but regularly.

It also looks like a pair of magpies have moved into a tree next to the garden, which is the first time they have nested near the garden.

It might cause a bit of uneasiness within the local small birds population, but they are very good at spotting and disturbing cats.

Friday, 9 December 2016


Winter is with us and has provided a fairly cold introduction, albeit much dryer than last year.

The cold weather has been interrupted by milder conditions, but the colder easterly winds should have enabled our winter visitors to arrive here without too much trouble.

Any warmer weather might tempt insects to come out, which will in turn feed birds and allow them to save the fattier foods for when they’re really need them in colder conditions.

There’s not been too much action in the garden, although a robin is making its presence felt with a few songs and ‘look-outs’ from several popular perches around the garden.

A male blackbird has been making the most of a decaying apple, which is ignored when it was thrown outside more than a week ago.

The nest box cameras will be looked at this weekend, cleaned out and cameras checked for the picture. Hope remains that next spring they both will provide some decent images of eggs hatching and chicks growing.

The birds will be getting a little shock in the coming weeks as the trees will be trimmed back, although the canopy next year might bring better cover for them to manoeuvre through.

Plant life is very much on hold, although a couple of rose flowers have recently bloomed and some snowdrops are emerging.

Time will tell if they will now delay, but with mild conditions here at the moment it’s likely that some growing will occur.