Snow has been seen in some parts of the country and in the last few
days further reports of snow are being made.
But now overnight frosts are now becoming the norm and the wildlife is
taking more refuge in and around the garden.
The bird feeders are being visited by more and more birds, and I’m sure
a number of small mammals are nicking a few peanuts at night.
It’s hard to see which birds are coming along, with the dark mornings
and evenings, so the weekend is the only time they can be counted and seen.
Will the garden be visited by fieldfares, redwings or waxwings? A hope
remains, but given the scarcity in recent winters, it’s not too high.
There is probably more hope of seeing snow, which would prove more
popular in the house (with the children) than the wildlife outside.
However it’ll be much easier to see which animals are visiting the garden!