It appears the house sparrows have decided to use the triple sparrow
nest box, now that one of the three boxes has been vacated by the second
They were happy to use the ones without the camera as soon as the nest
box was erected, but after two years of no interest in the box with the camera,
the ‘secret eyes’ were moved to a new nest box designed for blue tits – they
have yet to show interest after a couple of years nesting outside the garden.
The original blue tit nest box has once again got a nest, having had
one every year since being put up in 2007 – making it the tenth year in a row.
Unfortunately the camera signal was not working when I put this post
up, but I’ll be checking daily from now on to ensure the next post has a couple
of images.
The nest builders are a pair of great tits, and the nest is well on its
way to being complete.
The garden will see a limited vegetable number this summer, with broad
beans, chillis, tomatoes and a new one for this year – cauliflower.
Seeds will be planted this week and it is hoped the sunshine and warmth
will continue, not only for the seedling growth, but the fauna.
While the current weather conditions are favourable, the outlook for
the weekend is not good for growth and wildlife breeding.